Archive for September, 2012

The Sun

This is a day for you to show just what you’re made of, you will excel yourself. You will shine as bright as the sun and your self-confidence will be contagious. Days don’t come much better than this!

You will enjoy yourself and have fun whether you are working, socialising with friends or family, or enjoying a day’s holiday.

You may receive good news today concerning children or the conception or birth of a much-wanted baby.

4 Swords

You may well have been going through a pretty stressful time, either professionally or personally, and today is a day when you should take it easy.

If you must work, don’t overdo it, and be sure you take time out for your self this evening to just relax.

If you don’t need to work today, treat yourself to some peace and relaxation.

Whichever the case, it’s important to make sure you don’t become any more stressed or tired. Watch your health.

9 Pentacles

Today could prove particularly financially successful – yeah!

You may feel like celebrating on you own, or perhaps the opposite and wishing you had someone to share your news with. You’ll probably just chill out at home.

The High Priestess

Today is a day to trust your instincts or your intuition. Waiting and contemplation is called for, not action.

Certainly don’t force or rush any decisions, and if your instincts tell you that you need more information before proceeding, then seek it out before taking any further action

Page of Cups

You may be falling in love with someone, perhaps falling head over heels for them. It’s a great feeling, but be sure to keep a reality check on this today.

Don’t go rushing into anything, take your time and get to know this person better.

If you are studying at this time, due to take an exam of some sort or otherwise need to concentrate, don’t allow yourself to be distracted too much.

4 Cups

This is unlikely to be one of your better days, if you have a job you may decide to cry off sick! Whatever your situation, don’t be surprised if you feel despondent today.

Emotionally you feel disillusioned, perhaps just with your love life, or maybe about your life in general.

What’s important is that you don’t let a feeling of apathy swamp you and lead to depression and possible ill health. Re-evaluate your situation today and start to think about what you can do to improve things and make yourself feel happier again.

Knight of Cups

This is a day when you may experience a sudden attraction to someone, which may indeed lead to an amorous relationship. That buzz of excitement is sure to liven up your day!!

If you are in a relationship, today may be less fun as you may be feeling let down or disappointed with your partner and their behaviour in some way. Don’t take it too seriously; we all make mistakes from time to time!

7 Wands

Today is not a day for indecisiveness, shyness or being timid. To get what you want today, you are going to have to fight for it.

With courage and self-belief, you’ll find a way of overcoming your challengers to win the day.

The High Priestess

Today is a day to trust your instincts or your intuition. Waiting and contemplation is called for, not action.

Certainly don’t force or rush any decisions, and if your instincts tell you that you need more information before proceeding, then seek it out before taking any further action.

The Tower

This may be a day where you wish you’d stayed in bed!! There may be unexpected disruption, disappointments and challenges all round.

However difficult it may be to see the positive side of such a day, try to accept that sometimes such upheavals are necessary to create new opportunities.